We seem to be having a problem with Yahoo not receiving or blocking our outgoing emails. To receive our emails like invoices/support replies etc please change from Yahoo to Gmail as we dont seem to have any problems with Gmail receiving our mail.
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Because of the holiday periods we have a small backlog of orders we're working through so there may be a small delay on top of our average setup times for dedicated servers. If you have been affected by this delay please accept our apologies and understand that this can happen on rare occasions when things are busy and when orders fall over ...
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It seems that there is an issue affecting some networks that trackers and seedboxes are hosting on communicating with each other causing "Tracker Timeout" errors resulting in torrents to go red. You can check tracker error status in General Tab in rutorrent. In Windows/uTorrent you may not get error but torrent will not download until you ...
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Now you can add more storage space to your dedicated server by ordering a 2TB USB drive for £13 a month. See addons for your product in my services menu.
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