Server Maintenance: Product and Server Upgrades

  • Saturday, 2nd October, 2021
  • 15:36pm

Dear Customers,


We have now started some on-going server maintenance.  Affected users will receive an email once work starts on their server. Please check spam folders or check your Email History in client area.

Affected customers may experience the following during the different stages...

  • Lower Bandwidth (While we mirror data)
  • Logins Disabled (Once mirror complete)
  • Server Downtime (1-24 hours)(While we configure your server)


We are performing this maintenance to migrate eligible customers across to our new hardware/software, consolidate free space and to prepare for new product features that will be introduced soon.  We will be doing the following during maintenance..

  • Slot Consolidation (Moving users from non-capacity servers to free up/retire hardware)
  • Slot Migration (Migrating of eligible users to new hardware/software)

Once work on your server is complete you will receive a further email with your new login details.  Please check spam folders or check your Email History in client area.      After you login you will see you have a new (Beta) version of our dashboard and in the coming weeks (For those eligible) you will see new features like new Apps installed as well a section for installing additional Apps in 1 click.

If you have any questions please contact us via support ticket in client area.

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